January 19, 2025
*CALL to WORSHIP (Inspired by Psalm 36)
One: Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds.
Many: For with you is the fountain of life. Fill us with life!
One: Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains; your judgements are like the great deep.
Many: For with you is the fountain of life. Fill us with life!
One: O continue your steadfast love to those who know you and your salvation to the upright of heart!
Many: For with you is the fountain of life. Fill us with life!
“My Lord, What a Morning” #708
*PRAYER of the DAY
Magnificent God, we come to draw near to you. Your presence among us sustains and challenges us. In you, we find strength and surprises. May the songs we sing, the prayers we pray, the word proclaimed, and the lives touched honor your name. We give you glory and honor. We welcome you and pray that your spirit shapes us with fresh wind, power, and compassion.
*AFFIRMING and CONNECTING (Passing of the Peace) We sing: “Peace be with You” Twice.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be; world without end. Amen. Amen. (Be seated)
SCRIPTURE Psalm 36: 5-10
But your loyal love, Lord, extends to the skies; your faithfulness reaches the clouds. 6 Your righteousness is like the strongest mountains; your justice is like the deepest sea. Lord, you save both humans and animals. 7 Your faithful love is priceless, God! Humanity finds refuge in the shadow of your wings. 8 They feast on the bounty of your house; you let them drink from your river of pure joy. 9 Within you is the spring of life. In your light, we see light. 10 Extend your faithful love to those who know you; extend your righteousness to those whose heart is right.
Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Gracious God, we live in the tension between expectation and reality. Sometimes, we navigate that tension with hope and clarity. At other times, we fester in doubt, disappointment, and uncertainty. Help us to release our need to control and enable us to embrace the possibilities. May our trust in your goodness and the power you have poured into us embolden our faith. Amen.
Beloved, know that God’s grace meets us at our point of need with encouragement. Circumstances change, and that’s the nature of God’s creative work. Receive the gift of new life with the unexpected experiences it brings. God is with you and equips you for the journey.
Moment for All God’s Children
*SONG “Help Us Accept Each Other” #487
Prayer Concerns and Joys Lifted Up
SCRIPTURE John 2: 1-11
Wedding at Cana. On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and 2 Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the celebration. 3 When the wine ran out, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They don’t have any wine.” 4 Jesus replied, “Woman, what does that have to do with me? My time hasn’t come yet.” 5 His mother told the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” 6 Nearby were six stone water jars used for the Jewish cleansing ritual, each able to hold about twenty or thirty gallons. 7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water,” and they filled them to the brim. 8 Then he told them, “Now draw some from them and take it to the headwaiter,” and they did. 9 The headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine. He didn’t know where it came from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. The headwaiter sailed the groom 10 and said, “Everyone serves the good wine first. They bring out the second-rate wine only when the guests are drinking freely. You kept the good wine until now.” 11 This was the first miraculous sign that Jesus did in Cana of Galilee. He revealed his glory, and his disciples believed in him.
Meditation – Rev. Marilyn Wilcox
Whatever gifts we bring may be transformed like water to the best wine. Trust God with what we have to offer. Our trust can sow miracles, reveal Jesus in the world, and magnify joy in our communities. Give with peace that the kindom overflows with abundance and with hope that our collective efforts make the world new.
Passing of the Plate
DOXOLOGY (Use whatever words are comfortable for you)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise God all creatures here below; praise God above ye heavenly host. Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost). Amen
Holy One, may our gifts declare your glory and benefit the common good. Receive them with our gratitude for your generosity and the opportunity to participate in your kingdom on earth. Amen.
*SONG “Mine Eyes have Seen the Glory” #705
May you be filled by the presence of God, may you draw from the wells of justice, peace, and righteousness, may you taste the fruit of the Spirit, as you make the way of Jesus your path in the world, and you make the name of God known in word and deed. Go, in peace and power to love and serve God and neighbor!
SUNG “Amen”
* Please stand if you are able.
Bold– Words in bold are said in unison.
Our worship has ended ~ Let our service begin!
Fill, Draw, Taste: Service Prayers for the Second Sunday after Epiphany was written by the Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology for the United Church of Christ.
CenterPiece Flowers for Altar will be ordered by Teressa Sontag. Please email her at blgst2@comcast.net with any questions or text her at 508-847-2688, or use the sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the upstairs foyer. Checks should be made out to: Dimeco’s and mailed to Teressa Sontag at 6 Bourne Street, Clinton, MA 01510 by the 1st of each month. Large centerpiece is $50.
Warm Birthday wishes go out to:
Julie Dietel January 4th Shelly O’Toole January 13th
Jennifer Arsenault January 15th Teressa Sontag January 17th
Sarah Erickson January 18th Shane Wheeler January 20th
Sarah Irvine January 23rd Donald Dobeck January 24th
Justin Newton January 24th Amanda Smethurst January 25th
Happy Anniversary goes out to:
Carolyn & Tom Ryan January 9th
Prayers of Intercession:
- Prayers for peace as wars and conflicts continue to escalate around the world. Injustices and inequalities manifest as racism, discrimination, gender-based violence, economic disparities, and other issues.
- For those grieving or suffering due to the 250 gun violence deaths that happened in the US since the start of the year.
- For those affected by the wildfires in California and elsewhere.
Prayers of Joy and Thanksgiving:
- For those who are trying to reduce greenhouse gas that is believed to contribute to climate change.
- For people of faith and moral conviction who rise together and respond to deep injustices that exist within the nation.
- For diverse communities.
For all joys and concerns mentioned in the Pastor’s Tuesday Email
This week we lift up in prayer: The devastation brought by mighty fires in Southern California, Teomi, Shawn & Caroline, the Stockwell Family, Sarah in the loss of Uncles Ron and Buck, Robin, Sharon, and others mentioned in our last week’s prayer list: June, Edie, Mary Ellen, Everett, Paul, the Lamy/Sawyer family, Cindy & family, Connie & Henry, Jackie, Francene, Paul & Sandy, Marcie, Ed Hinkley, Gloria Popp, my brother- Gary’s family, Noah, Tucker, Carrie, and others we hold heavy in our hearts. JOYS!!: Spencer being okay, Oscar starting at Salem State University, Jonathan home working on Co-Op/ it is going well, and all other matters we just want to say YIPPEE to!
This week in our church:
- Church Council Tuesday 7pm
- Worship Planning Thursday 7pm
- Next Sunday worship 10am both live & virtual
Please keep our special members and friends in your prayers: June, Edie K., Mary Ellen P., and Everett.
Thank you to all that helped out with GCM. We brought in a total of $4925.80 with $2,944.14 donated for a total profit of $1981.00.
Happenings at United Church
(Bulletin Announcements are due to the office by the end of day each Wednesday.)
Any items submitted after the deadline may not be included in the publication.
Community Cafe Ongoing Support of our Churches Monthly Pizza Meal: Our church’s monthly meal at the WHEAT Community Cafe needs your continued support! Each month our church delivers a pizza, salad and dessert meal to the WHEAT Community Cafe. The cost of the meal is around $200.00. We fund the meal through generous donations! Look for updates on how to support this meal coming in 2025!
Online Giving Did you know that you can process your weekly contribution
or any other donation supporting The United Church of Clinton right on our website? Go to back to the home page and click the blue button on the right that says “online giving.”
We, The United Church of Clinton, have always lived our vision statement, “God’s People Loving and Serving God.” We believe that each of us have been created in God’s image, an image that is diverse, compassionate, and welcoming. We look to live our mission statement as we continue to love God and our neighbors passionately. We encourage and create a sense of love and belonging to God’s family including but not limited to people of all ages, cultures, races, economic backgrounds, sexual orientation, gender identities, physical or mental abilities, family structures, or spiritual traditions. All are welcome to join fully in the life of the church including participating in leadership roles, encouraging and creating a sense of love and belonging to God’s family. We live and bear testimony to our faith by being an example of Christian living, welcoming all no matter where an individual may be on life’s journey. Reaching out to our local, national and global communities of neighbors using our spiritual gifts in faithful service to those in need. We commit ourselves to becoming an Open and Affirming Congregation and Reconciling Church Member.